My Doula Packages

  1. Pregnancy and birth doula package  £600 *

I can help you work out where and how you want to give birth, what comfort and pain-relief options are available to you, who you want to support you, and how you can stay in control and achieve the best possible birth for you and your baby. Together, we can create your ideal birth plan, while also working out what you will do if things don’t go as planned and you need to make decisions about your and your baby’s care or treatment.

Summary of my offer:

·  Free initial meeting and info pack, in person or online depending on how far away you are from me

·  2 x 2 ¼ hour or 3 x 1½ hour antenatal meetings daytime/evening to suit you

·  Birth preferences/planning

·  Support during pregnancy via phone and email

·  Access to my books and resources on specific issues

·  Help to navigate the maternity system in your area

·  On call 10 days before your due date until baby is born

·  Support during labour as much as you need me, whether through massage, hypno-birthing techniques if you have learned these, or any other comfort measures you have chosen

·   Optional extra - Learn some lullabies and play songs

·   Postnatal visit of up to 90 minutes

2. Postnatal doula support package  £350 *

We can tailor-make this to support you in the ways you need, as everyone’s circumstances are different. It would usually look something like this:

·  Free initial meeting and info pack, in person or online depending on how far away you are from me

·  Once I’m booked, we have one meeting of 60-90 minutes in person, or via WhatsApp Video, to suit you, before your baby is born

·  Make a 4th trimester postnatal plan together, and send to you after our meeting via email.

·  Optional extra! At our pre-birth meeting, learn three lovely lullabies or baby play songs, to sing to your bump and then to your baby

·  One postnatal meeting 60-90 minutes, to talk about how your birth went, in person or on the phone, to suit you.

·  14 hours of practical care and support, at times to suit you, minimum booking slot 2 hours, spread over a few days or up to four weeks.

·  I can provide infant feeding support and signpost you to additional help if needed

·  I can help you recognise what’s normal for a newborn, when to seek outside help, and help you to get in your stride, in your own home, as the fantastic new mum you will be

·  WhatsApp and email support for 6 weeks postnatally.

Additional hours bookable by arrangement.

* My packages reflect the fact that I am a mentored doula. I have received comprehensive training from Doula Training Foundation, which is recognised by Doula UK, and I have appropriate insurance and experience for all the services I offer. I am a member of Doula UK and have a current enhanced DBS check. I am training as a Best Start Breastfeeding peer supporter.
I have one client at a time, and you are requested to give confidential feedback direct to my Doula Uk Mentor, via an online link. This will ultimately help me to improve my service and enhance my learning!