Why should I consider booking a doula?

There is good evidence to show that having a doula or other ‘continuous care’ reduces medical interventions, and lowers caesarean rates, reduces the need for pain relief and results in shorter labours. Often women who book a doula for a second or third birth say they wish they’d known about doula services the first time around.

What does the doula do that a midwife doesn’t’?

Evidence shows that a doula can make all the difference to you, to the birth of your baby and to your postnatal experience. Midwives cannot always spend as much time as they would like in talking through options with you, and you will usually not see the same midwife at every appointment. Your midwife may change during the birth, especially if you are in hospital. The steady reassurance of someone you trust, and access to reliable information and resources, will help you to feel safe and birth your baby the way you want to. A doula can help with certain things that a midwife cannot always offer, such as rebozo massage, aromatherapy massage, positioning, hypnobirthing techniques if you have learned these.

Will my birth partner be Ok with a doula there?

Supporting anyone through pregnancy and birth can be daunting and at times overwhelming, it’s emotional! I can help your birth partner to be the best support for you. They will probably know you best and having someone experienced alongside them can ease the pressure, reassure them, and help them to focus on you. One of the antenatal sessions will focus on how they can help you before and during the birth, so it’s good if they can be there for that session.

What if I’m on my own?

Some women who book a doula don’t have a birth partner and I’m fine with that. I am happy to be your sole birth partner if this is what you want but I can also support your main birth partner, whoever they may be, to be the best they can be for you!

When do I need to book doula services?

Once you have decided you want to hire a doula, booking as soon as possible is advised. This will ensure you get a slot with the doula of your choice. You will benefit from support throughout pregnancy and have a chance to build a good relationship with your doula.

What is a Mentored Doula?

My packages start at £350 and reflect the fact that I am a mentored doula. I have received comprehensive training from Doula Training Foundation, which is recognised by Doula UK, and I have appropriate insurance and experience for all the services I offer. I have one client at a time, and you are requested to give confidential feedback direct to my Doula UK Mentor, via an online link. This will ultimately help me to improve my service and enhance my learning! If you’d like to get together and see if I’m the right doula for you, please get in touch.

Can I have a doula if I plan a caesarean birth?

Yes of course, a doula can help you to make a c-section a positive and empowering experience, and guide you before and afterwards to get all the information you need. You’ll then know what to expect, and we will ensure the clinical staff know your birth preferences, you’ll feel calm and supported throughout. You’ll know how to look after yourself afterwards, and I can help with baby’s first feed, and the days that follow.

Can I pay in installments?

I am happy to take payment for each package in 3 instalments, the first payable on booking, the second due 6 weeks before your due date, and the third payable 2 weeks before your due date. If this is something you’re interested in please just ask.